Now-a-days homes spring up overnight. Row after row of lunch boxes, as plain as the one nextdoor. What's worse, even in "quality homes", craftsmanship and attention to detail take a back seat to speed and profit. Most builders seem satisfied to lure customers in with "large floorplans" and "professional quality appliances", while delivering an inferior built home. Style, grace, uniqueness seem to have become a thing of the past. It's no harder to make a beautiful, well-built house now than it was 60 or even 100 years ago... it's easier! Why is it that my grandfather or great-grandfather could build a solid
home with square, plumb walls, ornate mouldings and built-in custom bookcases, all without power tools; but today they can't even build a bank without much more than stucco and stock trim? Why? Is it's too expensive? NO. It's because very few know how or care to anymore. WELL NOT HERE!
I wasn't alive in the good old days and so I can't remember them, but I guess I'm old-fashioned. I believe it's worth putting in a few extra hours to make something I can be proud to say I built and you can be proud to own. Something that makes you want to come home through the FRONT door, not the garage.
I created this website & all the artwork with the same sense of style and craftsmanship I want to use on your house... as new or as retro as you want it to be, because it's your house and you're the one that has to live there!